Cloudy mountainforest,Morpho sulkowskyi locality. Cascades de Sacramento, Yungas. d. 22  February 2008. Photographer: Lars Andersen

last update d. 28 may 2023

Litterature list about butterflies
Danish Links to pages about Butterflies
Links to site about Butterflies
from Fennoscandinavia, Iceland, and Faroe.
Butterflies of Orivesi, Nummi-Pusula and Tammela, Finnland by Esko Viitanen Suomen Lajitietokeskus / Finlands Artdatacenter 29 juli 2016
Larvae of North-European Lepidoptera by Kimmo Silvonen
Lepidoptera and some other life forms, the greatest homepage of butterflies by Markku Savela
NatureGate Butterflies/Perhoset
Pictures and news about butterflies and moths in Finland by Pertti Pakkanen
FaroeNature alt um náttúruna í Føroyum.
Jens-Kjeld Jensen. Side med fugle, insekter og meget andet, fra Nólsoy, Ferðaráð / Føroya.
Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands / Fiðrildi Naturhistorisk side fra Island om sommerfugle
Norge Rapporteringssystem for småkryp i Norge i samarbejdet med Sommerfugler i Norge med artsportal
SOMMERFUGLER I SØR-NORGE av Odd Ketil Sæbø © new 11 oct. 2020
Sommerfugler på Arnes fotoside, ved Arne Ileby Uleberg new 11 oct. 2020
Sommerfugler på, ved Morten Vang new 11 oct. 2020 informasjonskilde til faunaen for terrestrielle og ferskvannsinvertebrater på Svalbard.
Butterflies from Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland) by Lars Andersen.
Sverige Detta rapportsystem omfattar alla terrestra och limniska evertebrater i Sverige
Entomologiske Sällskapet i Lund Dagfjärilar
Föreningen Fjärilar i Pite Lappmark
Föreningen Sydostentomologerna i Sverige
Insektsguiden Fjärilar i Sverige (Insekts of Sweden)
Makrofokus Det här är en webbplats för alla som är intresserade av makrofoto
Myra Fjärilar i Sverige (Butterflies of Sweden) av Pierre Stjernfeldt
Naturvårdsverket Åtgärdsprogram för hotade arter och naturtyper
Navneændringer på svenske fjärilar 2004 av Ulf Gärdenfors & Mats Lindeborg
Svenska Dagfjärilar by Daniel Dolfe, one a the finest butterflies-photographer in Sweden
Svenska Dagfjärilar af Lars Andersen
Svenska dagfjärilar och nattfjärilar av Magnus Unger
Svenska Fjärilar a complet list over all butterflies species found in Sweden 
SVENSK DÄGFJÄRILÖVERVAKNING Från och med 2010 övervakas förändringar i de svenska dagfjärilarnas antal.
Sveriges Entomologiska Förening
Unika ginsthedar i södra Halland hyser landets alla hotade ginstfjärilar 2004 - 2014
Vilken art? Artbestämning av fjärilar i Sverige
Links to site about Butterflies and other Insects
of Great Britain and Ireland
Atropos is the UK journal for butterfly, moth and dragonfly enthusiasts
Biodiversity Maps Mapping Ireland's Wildlife
British Butterfly Aberrations by Clice Pratt
British Leafminers
British Lepidoptera by Chris Lewis
Butterflies from Science and Nature, BBC.UK
Butterflies of Ireland Website of The Dublin Naturalist' Field Club
Cinebutterflies by John and Pat Banks
Common Garden Moths from Lancashire, Manchester, North Merseyside. UK
Database of Insects and their Food Plants
Dispar The Online Journal of Lepidoptera
Gelechiid Recording Scheme by C A and S M Palmer
Irish Butterflies Adrian Phelan 2008
Learn about Butterflies and Moths Adrian Hoskins great site about butterflies
MothsIreland mapping Ireland's moths.
RHS the Royal Horticultural Society. And the Pollnators
Royal Society Publishing Cretaceous origin and repeated tertiary diversification of the redefined butterflies
UK Butterflies your guide to the butterflies of the British Isles
A Review of apps: Butterflies of Northern Europe. Review by David Moore.
UK Lepidoptera by Jeff Higgott  
UK Moths of Great Britain and Ireland.
Links to site about
Butterflies and Insects Conservation
Butterfly Conservation UK saving butterflies, moths and our environment
Butterfly Conservation European Butterflies Group
Dutch Butterfly Conservation
European Butterflies Group
Collecting Permits Acquiring permission to legally collect is critical and should not be ignored. The Skeptical Moth
Xerces Society Invertebrate Conservation
Links to site about
Butterflies and other Insects in Europe
IEA Institut d'Estudis Andorrans Cartografia de papallones diürnes d'Andorra
List of Lepidoptera of Andorra
Butterflies Conservation Armenia
Base de Dados da Biodiversidade dos Açores Lepidoptera
Lepidoptera of Belarus by O. I. Merzheevskaya (co-authored with A.N. Litvinova and R.V. Molchanova )
Belgie - Belgique - Belgien
Catalog of the Lepidoptera of Belgium by Chris Steeman
Bulgaria -
Butterflies and Moths of Bulgaria (Nick Greatorex-Davies - UK - EIG) 
Butterflies of Bulgaria by Zdravko Kolev
Prime Butterfly Areas in Bulgaria There are more than 210 native butterfly species in Bulgaria.
CBMS Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
Ceské republiky - Tjekkiet
Motýlu Ceské republiky
Carcharodus Project by Martin Albrecht
Hortus Insectorium Seit 2007 gestalte ich den "Hortus Insectorum" in 91725 Beyerberg und mit Gerlinde Strnad seit 2013 auch den zweiten Garten "Hortus Felix" in 91567 Herrieden.
Leafminers and plant galls of Europa by Dr. Willem N. Ellis
Lepiforum Sieben Forumsarchive enthalten über 550.000 Beiträge vom 16. September 2002 bis 18. September 2017.
NABU; Schwärmer, Spanner und Eulen Einblicke in die nächtliche Falterwelt
Natur/ Ihr Netzwerk für alle Tier-, Pflanzen- und Pilzbeobachtungen weltweit ... Naturgucken schafft Wissen und macht Spaß!
Schmetterlinge Deutschlands hier gibt es Informationen und Bilder über in Deutschland heimische Schmetterlinge.
Schmetterlinge und ihre Ökologie or by Wolfgang Wagner
Schmetterling-raupe von Walter Schön, Bad Saulgau
Eesti Päevaliblikaid
Eesti Päevaliblikaid PDF Erki Õunap & Urmas Tartes
Elláda - Ellinikí Dhimokratía - Grækenland
Lepidoptera from Thásos by Adrian Fowles
Guía de Mariposas
Distribution of Butterflies in Europa by LepiDiv Projekt
Euro Butterflies  by Matt Rowlings
Europaische Schmetterlinge  Mario Maier
European Butterflies and Moths is The Distribution Atlas of European Butterflies
European Butterflies by Krzysztof Jonko
European Butterfly Page by Guy Padfield´s
European Red List of Butterflies
Moths and Butterflies of Europa and North Africa, Paolo Mazzei
Pam's Butterflies by Pamela Donaldson
Parasitoids of European Butterflies by Mark R. Shaw, Constantí Stefanescu and Saskyavan Nouhuys

PyrgusKey Éléments d'identification des Pyrgus de France métropolitanine Cédric Jacquier = Version 1.1 - Janvier 2017.

Sphingidae of the Western Palaearctic
(including Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, western Siberia and western Central Asia) by A.R. Pittaway
The Atlantic Region
The Atlantic region includes over half of Europe’s long coastline and two of the most productive seas in the world
Butterflies of France by Roger Gibbons
Butterflies of the Rhône  by Timothy Cowles
Cahurel Entomologie by Alex Cahurel
Conservatoire d'espaces naturels Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Diatheo (Tristran Lafranchis)
Galerie Chenilles by Marcopolo
Jardin des Papillons région Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur.
Lépi'Net Les Carnets du Lépidoptériste Français
Les Lépidoptéristes de France: Association des Lépidoptéristes de France
Sphingidae of France by Jean Haxaire
Georgian Biodiversity Database
Butterflies and Moths of Greece & Cyprus Facebook group.
Butterflies from Greece by Lazaros N. Pamperis
Butterflies of Crete by Kalliopi Bormpoudaki
Papilionea by Alessandro Bisi
Latvijas - Letland
Taurini - Latvijas daba
Dabas foto Sintija Elferte with cart
Lietuvos - Litauen
Lietuvos dieniniu drugiu
Lietuvos dieniniu drugiu sarašas
Magyarország - Ungarn
Magyar lepheszek Szalkay Jozsef  (Hungarian Butterflies)
Malta Lepidoptera by Anthony Seguna
Nederland - Holland
Anything but Common by Peter Groenendijk
De nieuwe Rode Lijst Dagvlinders
De Vlinderstichting voor een natuur vol vlinders en libellen Atlas van de kleinere vlinders in Nederland
Photography of European Butterflies by Bernard Fransen
Vogelwerkgroep Amsterdam Waarnemingen Dagvlinders
The Polish Red Data Book of Animals invertebrates
Exposição Borboletas
Um Património Natural no Concelho de Salvaterra de Magos, com macrofotografia de João Bento
Tagis Butterfly Conservation Centre, Portugal
România - Rumænien
Entomologica Romanica It is the only Romanian journal in all the fields of  Entomology.
Societatea Lepidopterologicã Românã
Rossija - Rusland
Lepidoptera Caucasi by Valentin Vladimirovich Tikhonov
Schweiz - Suisse - Svizzera - Helvetia
CSCF-karch Distribution of species (Switzerland)
Papillons de Suisse (Michel Baudraz, Vincent Baudraz) 
Schmetterlingsseite von Heiner Ziegler
Schweizer Schmetterlingsseite Auf dieser Website werden mitteleuropäische Schmetterlinge vorgestellt (Bilder, Flugzeit, Futterpflanzen etc.) sowie weitere Infos vorgehalten.
Srbija - Serbien - Serbia
Alciphron with butterflies and maps. Serbia
Butterflies of Serbia by Milan Djuric
HabiProt Association for sustainable development and habitat protection. Serbia
Slovenska - Slovakiet
Motýle Slovenska
Ukraine - Ukraina -
Butterflies of Kharkov Region, Ukraine by Eugene Karolinskiy
Lepidoptera of Crimea by Vladimir Savchuk - the city of Feodosia, Crimea, Ukraine.
Western Palaearctica
Satyrinae of the Western Palaearctic by Jonathan Agius
Sphingidae of the Western Palaearctic by A.R. Pittaway
Österreich - Østrig - Austria
Austrians Butterflies by Per Hoffmann Olsen
Links to site about
Butterflies of Middle East and North Africa
Butterflies and Moths from Turkey by Olcay Yegin & Cem Boneval
Butterflies Conservation Armenia
Butterflies from High Atlas by Simon Coombes
Butterflies of Cyprus of Eddie John's
Butterflies of Marocco Les Papillons de jour du Maroc
Butterflies of Oman by Torben and Kiki Larsen
Butterflies of Sinai. Egypt Mike James 
Israel Insect World The Butterflies and Moths of Israel
Le Maroc des papillons (Jean Delacre & Michel Tarrier).
Libyan Butterflies and Moths Macro Photography by Altaher Altabet
Türkiye'nin Kelebekleri by Tüm Haklari Saklidir (Butterflies from Turkey)
Links to site about Butterflies of Asia / E. Palaearctic
Alpine Butterflies of Daisetsu-zan, Hokkaido
Bengal Butterflies
Bhutan Biodiversity Portal
Butterfly Circle Singapore is home to 305 species of butterflies, Malaysia
Butterflies from Kyrgyzstan july 2006 by Jean Michel.
Butterflies from Oussouri july 2010 by Jean Michel.
Butterflies from Tadjikistan 2007 by Jean Michel.
Butterflies in Siberia and Central Asia Oleg Kosterin
Butterflies in Japan Mochimitsu Kobayashi
Butterflies of India by Indian Foundation for Butterflies
Butterflies of Japan Takashi Kumon 
Butterflies of Japan Mr Matsuka
Butterflies of Indo-China  Yutzaka Inayoshi
Butterflies of Kerala   Suresh Elamon & Thomas Zak
Butterflies of Lao by Norio Nakamura and Hiroyuki Wakahara 2012
Butterflies of Peninsular Malaysia by Wilson, Sing & Sofian-Azirun
Butterflies of Sri Lanka 
M and N van der Poorten, From Harish Gaonkar  Atlas B. Westeren Ghats and Sri Lanka  
Butterflies of Thailand
Butterflies of the Lake Baikal by Oleg Berlóv
Butterflies of Vietnam by Sébastien Delonglée
Dan Osipov top 100 Insects sites 
Digital Moths of Japan by Kenichiro Nakao
Electronic atlas of Lepidoptera Omsk region
Expédition au Kyrgyzistan (juin & juillet 2006)
Flutters Guide to the butterflies of the Indian subcontinent, South East Asia by Kishen Das
Jamides Homepage
Indian foundation for Butterflies by Krushnamegh Kunte
Lepidoptera of Kazakhstan team leder Sergey Titov
Moths of India by Indian Foundation for Butterflies
Nature Society Singapore Butterfly List
Oleg Berlóv's Butterflies of the Lake Baikal Region, Russia.
Palawan Butterflies Jan S. Petersen
Pam's Butterflies by Pamela Donaldson
Parnassius of the World of Göran Waldeck
Philippine Lepidoptera
Russian-Insects by Dr Ilya Osipov
SamuiButterflies by Les Day
Schmetterlinge des Ladakh of Heiner Ziegler
South-East Asian Butterflies Fan Club
Sphingidae of the Eastern palaearctic by A.R. Pittaway & I.J. Kitching (in association with Felix Lin)
Sri Lankan Butterflies
ThaiBugs Chiang Mai forest. John Moore
ThaiButterflies by Antonio Giudici
The Butterfly Society of Japan
The Moths of Borneo
Links to site about Butterflies of North America
BugGuide complete guide over all insect from USA and Canada
Butterflies of America and the Interactive Listing of American Butterflies
Butterflies of Canada Governement du Canada
Butterflies of North America  Paul A. Opler, Ray E. Stanford, and Harry Pavulaan Costa Rica, Ecuador, Brazil, Arizona and Louisiana
Massachusetts Butterfly Species List Butterfly watchers site.
Monarch Watch
North American Butterfly Association
North American Moth Photographers Group of the Mississippi Entomological Museum
Obsession with Butterflies by K. D' Angelo
Pam's Butterflies by Pamela Donaldson
Sphingidae of Americas by Bill Oehlke
The Butterfly Website 
Links to site about Butterflies of Central America & Caribian
Biodiversity in Belize
Butterflies and Moths Checklist of Costa Rica by Heiner Ziegler
Butterflies of America and the Interactive Listing of American Butterflies
Butterflies of Costa Rica  El Bosque Nuevo
Butterflies of Cuba by Tim Norriss
Butterflies of Jamaica by the Windsor Research Centre
Butterflies of the French Antilles by Pierre Zagatti, Bernard Lalanne-Cassou & Jeanne le Duchat d'Aubigny Costa Rica, Ecuador, Brazil, Arizona and Louisiana Costa Rica moths by Cameron Prybol
Illustrated checklist of Ithomiini (Willmott & Freitas, 2006) and molecular data (Brower et al., 2006).
Mariposas Mexicanas Butterflies from Mexico
Pam's Butterflies by Pamela Donaldson
Systematics and evolution of Ithomiini (Willmott & Freitas, 2006).
The Butterfly Farm, Costa Rica
Links to site about Butterflies of South America
Amazon Insects by Manuel Miranda
Bolivians Butterflies from december 28, 2019 by Nikolaj Kleissl
Bolivians Butterfly from November 2013 by Kim Garwood
Bolivians Butterfly by Lars Andersen
Butterflies and Beetles of Argentina
Butterflies of America and the Interactive Listing of American Butterflies
Butterflies of Argentina Mariposas de Argentina. A. Earnshaw
Butterflies of Ecuador Keith R. Willmott McGuire Center for Lepidoptera Research Florida Museum of Natural History University of Florida.
Butterflies from Rondonia, Brazil 
Butterflies of Sangay National Park (Ecuador) - Jean-Claude Petit
Cahurel Entomologie by Alex Cahurel Costa Rica, Ecuador, Brazil, Arizona and Louisiana
El primer mariposario uruguayo Butterflies stories from Uruguay
Fauna Paraguay Butterflies, Mariposas de Paraguay
Hétérocères de Guyane Française would have around 8 to 9000 species of Lepidoptera. 1500 species of Rhopalocera are actually described, which makes about 7500 species of Heterocerae !
Lepidoptera de Chile
Lépidoptères de Guyane
Mariposas de Bolivia de Lars Andersen
Mariposas de Bolivia Lista de Especies Bolivian Butterflies Checklist
Mariposas de Chile Butterflies from Chile
Neotropical Butterflies  Will Carter and Kim Garwood
Neotropical Riodinidae by Gregory Nielsen new may 2016
Pam's Butterflies bolivia 2019 by Pamela Donaldson
Revision of Adelpha Willmott, K. R. 2003. The Genus Adelpha: its Systematics, Biology and Biogeography (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Limenitidini).
Systematics and evolution of Ithomiini (Willmott & Freitas, 2006).
Links to site about Butterflies of Africa
African Moths by R.Goff
Biodiversity Explorer; Butterflies The web of life in Southern Africa
Butterflies and moths in Uganda of Rhett A. Butler
Butterflies of Ghana based of the book "Butterflies of West Africa" by Torben B. Larsen
Butterflies of Kenya  The Kipepeo Project
Butterflies of Sinai. Egypt Mike James   
Butterflies of South Africa an illustrated checklist 801 species, pdf.
CEREB Centre d' Etudes et de Recherches Entomologiques Béninois
Lepidopterists' Society of Africa                    
Les Charaxes d'Afrique Site de référence sur le Genre Charaxes fait par notre ami Eric Vingerhoedt
Le site des Acraea de Dominique Bernaud La classification actuelle proposée dans ce site distingue 223 espèces africaines.
Les papillons africains par Michel Libert
Les Papillons du Gabon de Jean-Louis Albert
List of butterflies of South Africa
Pam's Butterflies by Pamela Donaldson
Tanzanian Birds & Butterflies by Ron Eggert, David Peterson, or Trude Peterson
The Amani Butterfly Project is a project of the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group
Links to site about
Butterflies of Papua, Australia and New Zealand
Aus-lep your guide to the Australian butterflies & moths by Bjørn M. Fjellstad
Australian Butterflies by Martin Purvis
Australian Butterflies Photographed by Geoff. Walker
Australian Moths Online
Butterflies of Australia  The Caterpillars of Australian Butterflies     
Butterflies of New Zealand by Brian Patrick
Butterflies of Papua Indonesia
Butterflies of Papua New Guinea from INaturalist
Butterflies of South Australia  The R. Grund project
Insect of Papua Indonesia
Insects of Tasmania by Tony Daley and Kristi Ellingsen
List of butterflies of Easter Island from Wikipedia
List of butterflies of Fij from Wikipedia
List of butterflies of French Polynesia from Wikipedia
List of butterflies of Hawaii from Wikipedia
List of butterflies of Marquesas Islands Libythea collenettei from PDF
List of butterflies of New Caledonia from Wikipedia
List of butterflies of Samoa from Wikipedia
List of butterflies of the Pitcairn Islands from Wikipedia
List of butterflies of the Solomon Islands from Wikipedia
NatureWatchNZ New Zealand. Powered by íNaturalist
NZButterflies info by Robert Arter-Williamson
Pam's Butterflies by Pamela Donaldson
Swallowtail and Birdwing Butterfly Trust by T, c/o Hines Harvey Woods
Links to site about Encyclopedia of
Life and Butterflies Taxonomic and Biodiversity.
Butterflies and Moth  Chemistry Biology Pharmacy Infocenter 
Catalogue of Life catalogue of all known species of organisms on Earth.
Cockaynedatabase British Butterflies and Moths
EOL Encyclopedia of Life
Fauna Europaea The scientific names of all European land and freshwater animals. Butterflies section has not been updated since 2011!
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility New
GloBis Global Butterfly Information System with Papilionidae and Pieridae from the world
ICZN International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
Lepidoptera and some other life forms, the greatest homepage of butterflies by Markku Savela
Lepidopterology by Stanislav Abadjiev
LepIndex which consists of 250 203 species of moths and butterflies.
Natural History Museum Butterflies and Moths of the World Generic Names and their Type-species
Nymphalidae Systematics Group by Niklas Wahlberg
The Atlantic Region
The Atlantic region includes over half of Europe’s long coastline and two of the most productive seas in the world
Tree of Life Web Project Each page contains information about a particular group of organisms
Links to site about Butterflies from the World
Collecting Permits Acquiring permission to legally collect is critical and should not be ignored. The Skeptical Moth
Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde von Professor Dr. Adalbert Seitz Global Biodiversity Information Facility "Lepidoptera"
Learn about Butterflies and Moths Adrian Hoskins great site about butterflies
Pam's Butterflies by Pamela Donaldson
SATURNIIDAE World Homepage für den Saturniidenfreund
Swallowtail and Birdwing Butterfly Trust by T, c/o Hines Harvey Woods
The Kirby Wolfe Saturniidae Collection by Todd Giligan
World's Largest Saturniidae Site!, 2013 by Bill Oehlke
World's Largest Sphingidae Site!, by Bill Oehlke
Links to site about
Plants and Animal from the World
ADW Animal Diversity Web University of Michigan
AntWiki Bringing Ants to the World, 15,097 species and subspecies
Bees in the World by Éric Tourneret 
Bugguide by Troy Bartlett
Cerambycoidea the first Web-site about the World-wide Cerambycoidea
Curiosity / Beautiful Butterflies / Gynandromorphs: Dual-Sex Animals
Earthjustice Nonprofitorganisation
Galeri du Monde des Insectes + forum
í began as the Master's final project of Nate Agrin, Jessica Kline, and Ken-ichi Ueda at UC Berkeley's School of Information in 2008.
Observado wants to show the biodiversity of the World.
Origins of Agriculture by Britannica
Links to site about Insect from Europe
Aphid identification Family; Aphididae
BWARS Bees Wasps & Ants Recording Society in Britain & Ireland.
Diptera.Info This is an interactive site for dipterists: flies & midges.
European Carabidae by Ortwin Bleich
Grasshoppers of Europe by Maarten Schermer & Maarten van der Velde Hymenoptera Information System The beetle fauna of Germany by Christoph Benisch © 2007-2013
Lepiforum Germany
Odonata.EU is a site of European dragonflies and damselflies by Robert Geerts
The Riverfly Partnership Caddis / Trichoptera
Links to site about Spiders from Europe
Edderkoppkroken av Glenn Halvor Morka
Links to site about Plants from Europe
Den Virtuella Floran the Wild Flowers of Sweden kan du få hjælp til at bestemme planter ved at anføre egenskaber hos den ønskede plante.
Flores Silvestres del Mediterráneo
The Atlantic Region
The Atlantic region includes over half of Europe’s long coastline and two of the most productive seas in the world
UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN  Museums of Natural History at the Faculty of Science
Links to Butterfly Facebook Groups
administrator; Roberto Mattei, Puerto Ayacucho, Carlos A. Julio and Kim Garwood
Butterflies EUROPE administrator; Will McCall
Butterflies & Moths of Greece & Cyprus adminstrator; Popi Bormpoudaki
Butterflies of Borneo adminstrator; Potanthus Ttp
Butterflies Without Borders adminstrator; Sarab Seth
Butterfly Conservation UK Charity. The conservation of butterflies, moths & our environment.
Butterfly Conservation’s European Butterflies Group
Butterfly Enhusiast administrator; Jill Streit Murphy
Butterflying Around the World administrator; Anagallis Lai
Butterfly Monitoring Europe - NGO (non-governmental organization)
Lepidoptera administrator; Indiana Cristo
Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands er ríkisstofnun og heyrir til umhverfis- og auðlindaráðuneytisi
Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands / Fiðrildi
Sommerfugler i Norge administrator; Jan Erik Røer
Suomen perhoset administrator; Esa Alanko
Svenska Fjärilar administrator; Janne Svantesson
Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning administrator; Ola Malm
Vi som gillar fjärilar administrator; Mats Aldrin och Matti Dahlbom
Vlinders administrator; Vicky Wilssens
Links to Nature Facebook Groups
Facebook Birders from july 20, 2006
Links to Naturephotographer site
Arctic Coast Photography by Audun Rikardsen, Tromsø
Makrofokus Det här är en webbplats för alla som är intresserade av makrofoto
POLAR SPIRITS arctic light photo by Ole Salomonson
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Danish Links to pages about Butterflies / Links danish version 

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