Mariposas de Bolivia
Sacramento Alto, 2600 m.a.
sitio 22
Enero 2007
Lars Andersen
first update
d. 26 january 2007
last update d. 26
january 2007
Redactor: Lars
bajo construccion

Greenstreak, Cyanophrys
herodotus (Fabricius,
Hotel Esmeralda, Coroico, Yungas, Bolivia d. 25 january
2007. Photographer: Lars Andersen
ID by Jorge Bizarro d. 28 march 2011.
Greenstreak, Cyanophrys
herodotus (Fabricius,
1793), the tropical green hairstreak or tropical greenstreak, is a butterfly of the family Lycaenidae.
The upperside is blue and the underside is green.
The hindwings are tailed and have one red-brown
spot at the lower outer margin.
The wingspan is 2229 mm.
The habitat consists of open disturbed areas in
tropical and subtropical rainforests and
cloudforests at altitudes ranging from 600 to
about 2,000 meters.
Adults are on wing from late May to late October
in southern Texas. They are on wing year-round in
Central America and Mexico. They feed on flower
The larvae feed on the leaves and flowers of
various shrubs and trees, including Spanish Flag, Lantana
camara, Tropic Lilac, Cornutia
grandifolia, Pagoda Flower, Clerodendron
paniculatum, Lithraea brasiliensis, Pepper tree or Peruvian Pepper
Schinus molle, Mango, Mangifera indica and Guaco, Mikania species.
It is found in Mexico, Guatemala, Panama,
Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia,
Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Rare strays can
be found as far north as southern Texas.
dont use this pictures
without permission from:
photographer © Lars Andersen

Cumbre, 4700 m.a.
Febrero 2007
update d. 27 february 2007
last update d.
20 march 2007
Redactor: Lars
bajo construccion
Pass, 4700 elev. Yungas, Bolivia |
d. 27 February
I sent a email to ask Kim
Garwood, Neotropical
Butterflies about the small Pierids
ID. from Cumbre Pass. On the upper limit
of plants and butterflies life on the Andean
Cordillera Real lies somewhat around
4700 to 5000 meters where, at the glacier's
edge on the last upper fringes of
vegetation, fly the pierids: Phulia
paranympha Stgr.
Thanks wery
most Kim!
Best regards Lars Andersen d.
17 March 2007
a email from Tom Nygaard
Kristensen, Denmark. I have
another ID.: Pierphulia
nysias Weymer, 1890, ssp. nysiella. And this
species are one a the smallest whites in
the world, wingspand 20 -24 mm. Lars Andersen d.
20 March 2007
Real, 5000 elev. Yungas, Bolivia
Here the small mountain
butterflies are flying a species as Phulia
paranympha Stgr. and Piercolias
huanaco Stgr.; and also Colias
euxanthe Felder and Argynnis
(Issoria) inca Stgr. again, as well as
a few species of noctuids, are still to
be found at these heights. From Journal
of the Lepidopterists´ Society.
d. 18 March 2007

dont use this pictures
without permission from:
photographer © Lars Andersen

to fotos from the new road between Cotapata
- Sta. Barbara
to fotos from Coroico
Mariposas de Bolivia
Enero 2006
por Peter Møllmann y Lars
Mariposas de Bolivia
Enero 2005
por Peter Møllmann, Annelie
B. Nielsen
Lars Andersen
Mariposas de Bolivia
Enero 2004
por Peter
Møllmann, Henrik Bloch y Jan
Flindt Christensen
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