Yungas, Bolivia january 12, 2010. Photographer; Lars
claudina lugens (Staudinger,
1886). Agrias
amydon boliviensis (Fruhstorfer, 1895) Cites
Appendix III and Agrias amydon
ferdinandi (Fruhstorfer,
1895) males
are rare and very difficult to see. We saw the
most by using excrement which was used as a bait.
Their colors are amazing to see in the sun,
making it almost hurt your eyes when it sits
quietly and opens up the wings upperside.
is wery
popular among collectors and is considered the
finest among the New World of butterflies. Carlos
from Caranavi so a A. amydon boliviensis female
lay egs on wild coca, Erythroxylum species, otherwise
we know little about their lifestyles.
the tribe Agrias there are
5 species and belong to the family Charaxini if body
and wings are wery strong built. There is also in
the family Charaxini; tribe
as Anaeini (89) and
Preponini (16) in
South America from South Mexico to North
claudina lugens og Agrias amydon
boliviensis hanner er sjældne og svære at
få at se. Vi var heldige en gang, rent
tilfældigt at der sad en claudina han en sen
eftermiddag på skovvejen på vej hjem. Ellers
så vi de fleste ved hjælp af ekskrementer som
der blev brugt som lokning. Deres farver er
fantastiske at se i solen, det gøre nærmest
ondt i øjnene når den sidder der roligt og
åbner op for oversiden.
er meget
eftertragtet blandt samlere, og regnes for det
ypperste blandt den nye verdens sommerfugle.
Carlos fra Caranavi så en gang for 10 år siden
en A. amydon hun lægge æg på Vild Koka, som han samlede ind, og
fik gennemført dem til voksen sommerfugl, som
han skrev en artikel om. Ellers ved man intet om
deres levevis.
I tribe Agrias findes der 5 arter, og
de hører til Slægten Charaxini, som hvis kroppe er
meget kraftige. Der findes også i slægten Charaxini; tribe som Anaeini (89) og Preponini (16) i Sydamerika.
(the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an
international agreement between governments. Its
aim is to ensure that international trade in
specimens of wild animals and plants does not
threaten their survival.
Rio Zongo, Caranavi, Yungas,
Bolivia January 10, 2016. Photographer; Peter
Yungas, Bolivia january 13, 2010. Photographer; Lars Andersen
How do I get close to
this beautiful butterfly in Agrias family? After having eaten a good
big T-bone that is well marinated with garlic,
chili, pepper, salt and lots of lime for dinner
the evening before.
you next morning after a good strong cup of
Caranavi coffee put the biggest smelly cake on
locality. This cake overlaps with several days
old piss that is completely dark yellow from a
bottle. And it does not take many minutes before
the first butterflies fly around the smelly cake.
Agrias. Prepona (Agrias) amydon ssp. boliviensis(Fruhstorfer, 1895).
Caranavi, Yungas,
Bolivia january 13, 2010. Photographer; Lars Andersen
White-spotted Agrias. Prepona
(Agrias) amydon ssp. boliviensis
1895) and White-spotted
Agrias. Prepona (Agrias) amydon ssp. ferdinandi
Provincia Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 19 january
Photographer; Peter Møllmann
White-spotted Agrias. Prepona
(Agrias) amydon ssp. ferdinandi
Provincia Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 19 january
Photographer; Peter Møllmann