
Mariposas de Bolivia

sitio 55 

 first update d.  23 december 2015

  last update d.  3 september 2021

Redactor: Lars Andersen

bajo construccion


Emeralds Metalmarks, genus Caria (Hübner, 1823)

Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 19 January 2010. Photographer; Lars Andersen

Caria unknown species? Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 19 January 2010. Photographer; Lars Andersen

The genus Emerald Metalmarks, Caria contains some of the most beautiful and elusive species on Earth. Although fairly common they are rarely seen due to their secretive habits, and are virtually impossible to follow in flight. Once seen these glittering jewels of the Amazon are never forgotten.

You often feel quite overwhelmed by the beauty of these butterflies, but initial feelings of ecstasy are soon replaced by the rapid onset of frustration, anguish, despair and an uncontrollable urge to spend the next 2 hours hawking relentlessly in the vicinity of the sighting, peering into bushes, crawling about on the ground and searching every nook and cranny, while muttering and pleading with the butterfly to reveal itself !

Castalia Green Mantle, Caria castalia (Ménétriés, 1855). Pusiliani, Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia February 5, 2016. Photographer; Peter Møllmann

Castalia Green Mantle, Caria castalia (Ménétriés, 1855).
Pusiliani, Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia February 5, 2016. Photographer; Peter Møllmann


Smaragdgrønne Metalvinger, slægten Caria (Hübner, 1823)

Trochilus Greenmark (Caria trochilus), En metalvinge fra Vagantes, Rio Santa Barbera, Yungas,  d. 23 Januar 2005. Fotograf: Lars Andersen

Regnbuefarvet Metalvinge, Caria trochilus. Vagantes, Yungas d. 23 Januar 2005. Fotograf; Lars Andersen

Slægten Smaragdgrønne Metalvinger, Caria indeholder nogle af de smukkeste og mest flygtige dagsommerfugle arter på jorden. Selvom flere af arterne er forholdsvis lokal almindelige, bliver de sjældent set på grund af deres gådefulde levevis, og det er næsten umuligt at følge denne lille mørke sommerfugl under flugt.

Man føler sig ofte helt overvældet af synet af disse små grønne juveler, men de første ophidsede følelser, bliver hurtigt erstattet af frustration, angst, fortvivlelse og en ukontrollabel trang til at tilbringe de næste timer i utrætteligt jagt omkring hvor man sidst så den, kiggende inde i buske, kravle rundt på jorden og afsøge alle kroge og hjørner, mens man mumler og bander, for man håber at denne smukke juvel vil vise sig igen!

Når man først har set en af disse skinnende smaragdgrønne juveler fra Andesbjergene tågeskove og Amazonas, glemmer man dem aldrig siden jeg så en den første gang i Vagantes i nærheden af Rio Coroico, Yungas, Bolivia i januar 2005.

Brillantina, Caria castalia. Vagantes, Yungas, Bolivia. d. 25 januar 2006. Fotograf: Lars Andersen

Castalia Green Mantle, Caria castalia (Ménétriés, 1855). Vagantes, Yungas, Bolivia d. 25 januar 2006. Photographer; Lars Andersen

Brillantina, Caria castalia. Caranavi, Yungas. d. 17 february 2007. Photographer: Lars AndersenBrillantina, Caria castalia. Caranavi, Yungas. d. 17 february 2007. Photographer: Lars Andersen

Caria unknown species? Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 17 february 2007. Photographer; Lars Andersen

There are 14 species in the genus Caria, 5 of which are restricted to Central America, while the others including Caria mantinea and C. sponsa are found primarily in Amazonia and the foothills of the eastern Andes.

Several of the species including C. mantinea, C. plutargus, C. castalia and C. smaragdina are almost identical on the upperside. I have photographed more like where bands runs different from the known species, but requires enough more evidence and DNA analysis to determine them to species?

Caria trochilus is much darker than these, with an almost black ground colour. It could possibly be confused with rhacotis as both have metallic blue scales at the base of the costa. Caria rhacotis however, in addition to having a paler ground colour, has more extensive red scaling at the base of the forewings, and has a thin silver submarginal line on fore and hind wings.


Brillantina, Caria plutargus.Vagantes, Yungas, Bolivia. d. 25 januar 2006. Fotograf: Lars AndersenBrillantina, Caria plutargus. Caranavi, Yungas. d. 30 january 2007. Photographer: Lars AndersenBrillantina, Caria plutargus. Caranavi, Yungas. d. 23 january 2010. Photographer: Lars Andersen

Brillantina, Caria plutargus (Fabricius, 1793).
Vagantes, Yungas d. 25 january 2006. Caranavi, Yungas d. 30 january 2007. Vagantes, Yungas d. 23 january 2010
Photographer; Lars Andersen

Caria chrysame (Hewitson 1874). Copacabana, Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia december 26, 2018. Photographer; Peter MøllmannCaria chrysame (Hewitson 1874) and Brillantina, Caria plutargus (Fabricius, 1793).  Copacabana, Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia december 26, 2018. Photographer; Peter Møllmann

Caria chrysame (Hewitson 1874) and Brillantina, Caria plutargus (Fabricius, 1793). Copacabana, Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia december 26, 2018. Photographer; Peter Møllmann

I slægten Caria findes der ca. 14 arter , hvoraf 5 er begrænset til Mellemamerika, mens de andre, herunder Caria mantinea og C. sponsa findes primært i Amazonas og langs de østlige Andesbjerge i skoven fra 200 til 1000 m.h. langs raviner med mindre vandløb.

Adskillige af arter, herunder Caria mantinea, C. plutargus, C. castalia og C. smaragdina er næsten identiske på oversiden, smaraggrønne med grå bånd. Jeg har fotograferet lignende 2 ukendte arter, hvor bånd forløber anderledes end de kendte arter, men der kræves nok mere dokumentation og dna analyser for at bestemme dem til art?

Caria trochilus er meget mørkere end de andre arter, med en næsten sort grundfarve. Den kunne muligvis forveksles med C. rhacotis som begge har metallisk blå skæl i rodfelt på forvinge forkant. C. rhacotis har imidlertid ud over at have en lysere grundfarve, en mere omfattende rød stribe i rodfelt på forvinge, og har en tynd sølvfarvet linje i sømfelt på for- og bagvinge.

Challa,  between Caranavi and Coroico, Yungas. d. 25 February 2008. Photographer: Lars AndersenChalla,  between Caranavi and Coroico, Yungas. d. 25 February 2008. Photographer: Lars AndersenChalla,  between Caranavi and Coroico, Yungas. d. 25 February 2008. Photographer: Lars Andersen

Green Mantle, Caria mantinea lampeto (Godman & Salvin, 1886).
Challa, Yungas, Bolivia d. 25 February 2008. Photographer; Lars Andersen

Green Mantle, Caria mantinea lampeto (Godman & Salvin, 1886).  Highlands near Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia december 11, 2018. Photographer; Peter Møllmann

Green MantleCaria mantinea lampeto (Godman & Salvin, 1886).
Highlands near Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia december 11, 2018. Photographer; Peter Møllmann

Sponsa Metalmark, Caria sponsa (Staudinger, 1887).  Piedras Blancas y Agua de la Vida, Bolivia 22.-27. Julio 2021. Photographer; Gottfried Siebel

Sponsa MetalmarkCaria sponsa (Staudinger, 1887).
Piedras Blancas y Agua de la Vida, Bolivia 22.-27. Julio 2021. Photographer; Gottfried Siebel

22.-27. Julio 2021 Piedras Blancas y Agua de la Vida
Con Martin Apaza Ticona


Caria trochilus. Coroico 1300 m.h. d. 9 february 2012. Photographer Lars Andersen

Rainbow Metalmark, Caria trochilus. Coroico 1300 m.h. d. 9 february 2012. Photographer; Lars Andersen

Rainbow Metalmark, Caria trochilus (Erichson, 1849) and Caria trochilus arete (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1861) Description: wings are black gray on the side with shiny emerald green bands, along forewing edge in the root area has a blue and red stripe. Wingspan: 26-30 mm.

This species is found in primary rainforest at altitudes between about 200-1300m, often in the vicinity of rocky or pebble-strewn streams.

Adult behaviour:
The adults probably spend much of their time in the canopy, but males often descend on hot sunny mornings at which time they can, with luck, be seen imbibing moisture from sandbanks, peccary wallows, or from the beds of dry streams.

They have a rapid and erratic flight which is virtually impossible to follow with the eye. However with practice it is often possible to relocate them once they resettle, as they tend to only cover quite short distances. Usually they settle on the ground, but sometimes they land on foliage, or on a damp sunlit rock or boulder.

The butterflies usually bask with the forewings swept back, half covering the hindwings.

Caranavi d. 6 february 2007. Photographer; Lars Andersen

Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 6 february 2007. Photographer; Lars Andersen


Caria trochilus, Vagantes, Yungas, Bolivia. d. 25 januar 2006. Fotograf: Lars AndersenCaria trochilus, Caranavi, Yungas. d. 17 february 2007. Photographer: Lars Andersen

Rainbow Metalmark, Caria trochilus.
Vagantes, Yungas, Bolivia d. 25 january 2006. Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 17 february 2007.
Photographer; Lars Andersen

Regnbuefarvet Metalvinge, Caria trochilus (Erichson, 1849) & Caria trochilus arete (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1861) Udseende: vingerne er sortgrå på overside med skinnende smaraggrønne bånd, langs forvinge kant i rod felt har den et blåt og rødt stribe. Vingefang: 26 - 30 mm.

Denne art findes i den primære regnskov i højder mellem omkring 200-1300m, ofte i nærheden af klipper eller vandløb i raviner.

Voksen adfærd:
De voksne sommerfugle bruger sandsynligvis meste af deres tid i løvtaget, mens hannerne på varme solrige morgener ofte kommer ned li raviner på sandbanker langs vandløb, i sandhuller hvor navlesvin vælter sig, eller langs udtørret vandløb.

De har en hurtig og uregelmæssig flyvning, som er næsten umuligt at følge med øjet. Men med øvelse er det muligt at følge dem, når de lander igen, da de har tendens til kun at flyve ganske korte afstande. Normalt lander de igen på sandet, men nogle gange de lander på blade eller på en fugtig solbeskinnet klippe eller kampesten.

Sommerfuglen hviler normalt med fladt udbredte vinger, hvor forvinge er fejet tilbage, halvt dækkende over bagvinge.

Tocana, Yungas, Bolivia. d. 20 januar 2006. Fotograf: Lars AndersenRio Zongo, Caranavi, Yungas. d. 30 January 2008. Photographer: Lars AndersenCaranavi, Yungas. d. 3 February 2009. Photographer: Lars Andersen

Rainbow Metalmark, Caria trochilus arete (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1861)
Tocana, Yungas, d. 20 january 2006. Rio Zongo, Yungas d. 30 January 2008. Caranavi, Yungas d. 3 February 2009.
Photographer; Lars Andersen
There is no information on
Caria trochilus, but the lifecycle is likely to be very similar to that of other Caria species as follows: The eggs are laid singly under the leaves of Ulmaceae, Iguana Hackberry, Celtis iguanaea or Bromeliaceae. The caterpillars are densely hairy, and live and feed within rolled leaf tubes.

Guyana, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.


Man har ingen oplysninger om trochilus levevis, men det vil sandsynligvis være meget lig den af andre
Caria arter som følger: Æggene lægges enkeltvis under bladene af Ulmaceae-familien eller Bromeliaceae. Larven er tæt behåret, og leve og spiser inde i et rullet bladrør.

Guyana, Brasilien, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru og Bolivia.

Caria trochilus. Coroico 1300 m.h. d. 9 february 2012. Photographer Lars Andersen

Rainbow Metalmark, Caria trochilus. Coroico 1300 m.h. d. 9 february 2012. Photographer; Lars Andersen


Rainbow Metalmark, Caria trocchilus

d. 9 april 2017

Regnbuefarvet Metalmarkvinge, Caria trochilus fra Caranavi Bolivia, januar 2017, filmet med GH4 af Peter Møllmann.


Caranavi d. 14 february 2008. Photographer; Lars Andersen

Bromeliaceae species. Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 14 february 2008. Photographer; Lars Andersen


Link til indlæg om Caria på "kryb & kravl" på facebook d. 25 dec. 2015.


Caria trochilus. Coroico 1300 m.h. d. 9 february 2012. Photographer Lars AndersenRio Zongo, Caranavi, Yungas. d. 30 January 2008. Photographer: Lars AndersenCaranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 19 January 2010. Photographer; Lars AndersenGreen Mantle, Caria mantinea lampeto (Godman & Salvin, 1886).  Highlands near Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia december 11, 2018. Photographer; Peter MøllmannBrillantina, Caria castalia. Vagantes, Yungas, Bolivia. d. 25 januar 2006. Fotograf: Lars AndersenCastalia Green Mantle, Caria castalia (Ménétriés, 1855). Pusiliani, Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia February 5, 2016. Photographer; Peter MøllmannChalla,  between Caranavi and Coroico, Yungas. d. 25 February 2008. Photographer: Lars AndersenChalla,  between Caranavi and Coroico, Yungas. d. 25 February 2008. Photographer: Lars AndersenBrillantina, Caria castalia. Caranavi, Yungas. d. 17 february 2007. Photographer: Lars AndersenBrillantina, Caria plutargus. Caranavi, Yungas. d. 30 january 2007. Photographer: Lars AndersenCaria chrysame (Hewitson 1874) and Brillantina, Caria plutargus (Fabricius, 1793).  Copacabana, Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia december 26, 2018. Photographer; Peter MøllmannCaria chrysame (Hewitson 1874). Copacabana, Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia december 26, 2018. Photographer; Peter Møllmann


Nine Caria species found in Bolivia as well as unknown species. 2018

species subspecies Autor South America Bolivia
Caria rhacotis   (Godman & Salvin, 1878). S Mexico to Peru Rurrenabaque, Paradaiso
Guerra & Siebel
Caria trochilus   (Erichson, [1849). Guayana Chulumani Weeks
Caria trochilus ssp. arete (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1861). Peru] Coroico, Vagantes
Garwood 2013
Caria castalia   (Ménétriés, 1855). Brazil Chulumani
Garwood 2013
Caria marsyas   (Godman, 1903). Brazil; Paraguay Tariquia, Salinas, Chiquiaca,
La Planchada, El Cajón,
Jardín Botánico
Gareca & Reichle 2009
Caria tabrenthia   (Schaus, 1902). Peru Madidi, PN-ANMI
Lamas 2004a
Caria mantinea   (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1861). (Peru) Rurrenabaque, Bellavista,
Santa Cruz, Jardín Botánico
Lamas 2004a
Caria mantinea ssp. lampeto (Godman & Salvin, 1886). Mexico to Bolivia Coroico, Puente Elena,
Chiquitania, San Sebastián
Guerra & Siebel
Caria plutargus   (Fabricius, 1793). "Indiis" Caranavi,
Amboro BBC
Caria plutargus ssp. amazonica (H. Bates, 1868). Brazil (Am) Rio Songo, Chiquitania,
San Sebastián
Fassl 1926
Caria chrysame   (Hewitson, 1874).   Bolivia
Lamas 2004a
Caria sponsa   (Staudinger, [1887]). Peru Madidi, Rio Hondo
Guerra 2016
Caria sp.     Ecuador Colección


Athena Euselasia  (Euselasia athena). Coroico 1800 m.a., Yungas. d. 24 january 2008. Photographer: Lars Andersen

Euselasiinae & Riodininae

sitio 55


Black Lace, Chorinea faunus. Rio Rufus, Taipiplaya, Caranavi, Yungas. d. 8 February 2009. Photographer: Lars Andersen

Swordtails - Riodinini

sitio 57


METALMARKS part1 from Peter Møllmann on Vimeo.

METALMARKS part3 from Peter Møllmann on Vimeo.


Caranavi d. 24 february 2007. Photographer; Lars Andersen

Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 24 february 2007. Photographer; Lars Andersen


dont use this pictures without permission from: 

photographer © Lars Andersen


Mariposas de Bolivia 

Enero 2009

por Peter Møllmann y Lars Andersen


link to Neotropical Butterflies of Will Carter and Kim Garwood, Metalmarks

Esmeralda hotel, Coroico, Yungas
