Morpho amphitryon ssp. susarion (Fruhstorfer, 1913).
Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia february
1, 2006.
Photographer; Lars Andersen
Cisseis Morpho, Morpho
cisseis ssp. cissaistrica(Le Moult &
Réal, 1962).
Rio Zongo, Yungas, Bolivia
January,2009 & 2010.
Photographer; Lars Andersen
Grey Morpho,
Morpho telemachus
Moult & Réal, 1962).
Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia
January 12, 2010.
Photographer; Lars Andersen
Lympharis Morpho, Morpho
ssp. eros (Staudinger, 1892).
Cascades de Sacramento Alto,
Camino de Muerte 2600 m.
Yungas, Bolivia d. 3 january 2005.
Photographer; Lars Andersen
Adonis Morpho, Morpho
ssp. intermedia (Kaye,
Pusiliani, Caranavi, Yungas,
january 7, 2020.
Photographer; Peter
Aurora Morpho,
Morpho aurora
(Westwood, 1851) male.
december 10, 2014.
Peter Møllmann
Sickle-winged Morpho, Morpho
ssp. subtusmurina (Le
Moult & Réal, 1962).
Provincia Caranavi, Yungas,
d. 19 january 2018.
Photographer; Peter
Godart's Morpho, Morpho
ssp. godartii f.godartii
(Guérin-Méneville, 1844).
Yungas, Bolivia d. 6 february 2009.
Lars Andersen
Deidamia Morpho,
Morpho deidamia
ssp. electra (Röber,
Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia
d. 20 february 2007.
Photographer; Lars Andersen
Common Blue Morpho,
Morpho helenor
Butler, 1866).
Caranavi elevation 1000 m. Yungas
d. 21 january 2012.
Photographer; Lars Andersen
Achilles Morpho.
Morpho achilles
ssp.songo (Weber, 1944).
Caranavi elevation 800 m. Yungas, Bolivia
d- 8 january - 2010.
Photographer; Lars Andersen
The beautiful blue Morphos
males are often seen along rivers and small
streams, where they fly searching for ladies and
is territorale and chasing other males away.
Morphos go to rotten fruit and suck minerals in
sandy banks along streams. Females live a more
covert lives up the leaves, and are rarely seen.
Morphos habitat is the rain-forests of the
tropical zone, however individual species such as
lympharis existence from 2000 m.a.
up to 2900 m. altitude in fog-forests in the
Andes eastern slopes.
Morpho lympharis eros
Mountains Morpho or Lympharis
Morpho, Morpho
lympharis ssp. eros (Staudinger, 1892).
Cascades de
Sacramento Alto, Camino de Muerte 2600 m. Yungas,
Bolivia d. 3 - 6
january 2005.
Lars Andersen
de Sacramento Alto, Camino de Muerte 2600 m.
Yungas, Bolivia d. 9 february 2012.Photographer; Lars
Morpho lympharis ssp. eros (Staudinger,
The dangerous
road in the world; Cascades de Sacramento
elev. 2790 m. & Kori Wayku Inca
Trail, elev. 2300 m. Yungas, Bolivia
Photographer; Peter
Møllmann &
Lars Andersen
lympharis locality with Andean
bamboo, Chusquea species.
Cascades de Sacramento
Alto 2600m. Yungas 9
February 2012. Photographer; Lars
lympharis ssp. eros (Staudinger,
1892). Locality with Andean
bamboo, Chusquea species.
Cascades de Sacramento
Alto 2600m. Yungas 22
February 2008. Photographer; Lars
The blue Morphos
(Morphini) is the most
famous butterflies from South America,
often large up to 20 cm. in wingspan when
Morpho hecuba is the largest
butterflies in the neotropical continent.
There are also Morphos down to 7.5 cm in
size of M. sulkowskyi & M.
aurora, small species typically
found in higher altitudes of the Andes
east slopes.
Most species have an
iridescent blue color on top. The blue
color on the upper side due to refraction
of light in the delicate tight scales
which lack color pigment scales sits
right advanced so they can display the
entire color scale in a few moments when
the light is broken at the right angle.
The underside is often in brown shades,
bearing Eyed in various sizes that reveal
their family connection to Satyr family (Satyrinae).
are also white Morphos; (M.
epistrophus & M.
polyphemus) and Morphos; brown with
gray or orange bands on the upper side (M.
Hecuba & M.
origin of Morphinae dates back about
55 MY and occurred in the Brazilian
Shield (Mata Atlantica), the oldest part
of Sout America that emerged. Considering
the length of the evolutionary period,
the number of species of Morpho (30)
proves quite limited, especially if one
considers the immense size of their
geographical distribution. This small
number contrast with the considerable
number of subspecies: at last 220.
single species Morpho
helenor has branched out into 48
subspecies spread from Tamaulipas,
Mexico's east coast, Central America,
Amazonian basin to northern Argentina.
The diversity of subspecies is due, to a
large extent, to the fact that Morpho are
not migratoryThe morpho butterflies
comprise many species of Neotropical
butterfly under the genus Morpho. This
genus includes more than 29 accepted
species and 147 accepted subspecies,
found mostly in South America, Mexico,
and Central America.
Morpho wingspans range from
7.5 cm for M. rhodopteron to
20 cm for M. hecuba, the imposing sunset
The name morpho, meaning
"changed" or
"modified", is also an epithet.
Blue morphos are severely threatened by
the deforestation of tropical forests and
habitat fragmentation. Humans provide a
direct threat to this genus because their
beauty attracts artists and collectors
from all over the globe who wish to
capture and display them. Aside from
humans, birds like the jacamar and
flycatcher are the adult butterflys
natural predators.
Subfamilia Satyrinae (Boisduval,
1833). 2400 spcies.
Tribus Elymniini Herrich-Schäffer, 1864
6 Species
Tribus Amathusiini Moore, 1894 11 Species
Tribus Brassolini Boisduval?, 1836 86
Tribus Morphini Newman, 1834 3
Tribe, 61 Species
Genus Antirrhea Hübner,
[1822] 13 species
Genus Morpho Fabricius, 1807
46 Species
Genus Caerois Hübner,
[1819] 2 species
Tribus Melanitini Reuter, 1896 5 Species
Tribus Haeterini Herrich-Schäffer, 1864
24 Species
Tribus Satyrini Boisduval, 1833
In South and Central
America, I have seen 13 species of 48
species Morphini
genus contained in the neotropiske
region: Antirrhea
(13) Caerois
(2) Morpho
(46). Their distribution is from Mexico
north to Misiones, Argentina in the
south. Link to Morphinigenus
chorinaeus (Fabricius,
1775). TL: Surinam M T HS.
(Fabricius, 1793). False
Antirrhea. Costa Rica to W
Ecuador iN M S L I1 I2.
Bolivia har jeg set 12 arter af
de 45 arter Morphini genus
der findes i den neotropiske
region: Antirrhea (13), Caerois (2), Morpho (30).
Deres udbredelse er fra Mexico i
nord til Misiones, Argentina i
syd. Link til Morphini genus
på Bolivian
Butterflies Checklist.
I Bolivia har jeg
set 12 arter af de 45 arter Morphini genus der findes
i den neotropiske region: Antirrhea (13), Caerois (2), Morpho (30). Deres
udbredelse er fra Mexico i nord til
Misiones, Argentina i syd. Link til Morphini genus på Bolivian
Butterflies Checklist.
Reference to:
Les Morpho
14th october 2016
Les Morpho: Distribution,
diversification, behavior
Jean-Marc Gayman;
Franck Merlier;
Jacques Ouvaroff;
Bruce Purser;
Daniel Lacomme
408 pages; 30.5 x 22 cm; joined
ISBN 978-2-9558531-0-8
EAN 9782955853108
Foodplants for Morpho's
Females lay eggs
on misc. legumes, Fabales, one of the largest
systems in the plant kingdom with approx. 17,000
species belonging to one family, papilionaceous
plants (Fabaceae, Leguminosae). The family consists of
three sub-families; caesalpinia, mimose and legumes sub-family. In Families
often considered previously as independent
families. As the name says, is the fruit a pod.
One of the most familiar legumes are Brazilwood. - The tree, which put
its name to half the world ... (Leguminosae) - Brazilwood.
The smaller
Morpho species from the Andean mountain like the Morpho
M. lympharis and M.
zephyrites use Andean bamboo, Chusquea species (Poaceae).
The hairy brown
caterpillars that live in colonies are quite
toxic, and their hair will irritate the skin when
touched. The total life cycle of Morphos
butterfly, from egg to death, is approximately
130 to 140 days. The adult (imago) butterflies
live about a month's time. They exist in several
consecutive generations offset from each other
year round, but mostly in the rainy season. In
drought time goes on they are often in a
diapause. Morphos However, enemies, there is a
parasitic fly that lives in the adult butterfly's
abdomen, making it to had a strange behavior in
its last life. Morphos, whose name was inspired
by Morpheus who had dreams god in Greek
Værtsplanter for Morpho's
Hunnen lægger
æg på div. bælgplanter, Fabales, en af de største
ordener i planteriget med ca. 17.000 arter, der
tilhører én familie, ærteblomstfamilien (Fabaceae, Leguminosae). Familien består af
tre underfamilier; caesalpinia-, mimose- og ærtblomst-underfamilien.
Underfamilierne betragtedes tidligere ofte som
selvstændige familier. Som navnet siger, er
frugten en bælg. En af de mest kendte
bælgplanter er BRASILTRÆ. - Træet, der lagde
navn til en halv verdensdel ... (Leguminosae) Brazilwood.
De mindre Morpho
arter oppe i bjergene som Morpho
M. lympharis og M.
zephyritis bruger Andes
bambus, Chusquea arter (Poaceae).
De hårede brune
larver som lever i kolonier er ret giftige, og
deres hår vil irritere huden ved berøring. Den
samlede livscyklus for Morpho sommerfugl, fra æg
til døden, er ca 130 til 140 dage. De voksne (imago)
sommerfugle lever omkring en måneds tid. De
findes i flere fortløbende generationer forskudt
fra hinanden året rundt, dog flest i regntiden.
I tørketiden går de ofte i en diapause.
Morphoerne har dog fjender, der findes en
parasitflue der lever i den voksne sommerfugls
bagkrop, som gør at den kan havde en mærkelig
adfærd i dens sidste levetid. Morpho, hvis navn er inspireret
af Morfeus som var drømmenes gud i den
græske mytologi.
Aurora Morpho,
Morpho aurora (Westwood, 1851) male. Caranavi, Yungas december
10, 2014.
Photographer; Peter Møllmann
Morpho, Morpho
aurora (Westwood, 1851) female.
Caranavi Highlands, Yungas, Bolivia december
11, 2018. Photographer; Peter
De spektakulære
blå morphoer opdrættes i kommercielle
avlsprogrammer, hvor de iriserende vinger,
anvendes til fremstilling af smykker og som
indlæg i træbakker og lign. En art (Morpho
er meget populære i sommerfuglekasser, de
præparerede dyr sælges ofte uden bagkrop, da
den er fjernet fordi dens olieagtige indhold
ellers vil misfarve vingerne. Der foregår en
stor eksport af de levende morpho-pupper til brug
i div. trope og sommerfuglehuse i den vestlige
The blue Morphos
(Morphini) is the most
famous butterflies from South America,
often large up to 20 cm. in wingspan when
Morpho hecuba is the largest
butterflies in the neotropical continent.
There are also Morphos down to 7.5 cm in
size of M. sulkowskyi & M.
aurora, small species typically
found in higher altitudes of the Andes
east slopes.
Most species have an
iridescent blue color on top. The blue
color on the upper side due to refraction
of light in the delicate tight scales
which lack color pigment scales sits
right advanced so they can display the
entire color scale in a few moments when
the light is broken at the right angle.
The underside is often in brown shades,
bearing Eyed in various sizes that reveal
their family connection to Satyr family (Satyrinae).
are also white Morphos; (M.
epistrophus & M.
polyphemus) and Morphos; brown with
gray or orange bands on the upper side (M.
Hecuba & M.
origin of Morphinae dates back about
55 MY and occurred in the Brazilian
Shield (Mata Atlantica), the oldest part
of Sout America that emerged. Considering
the length of the evolutionary period,
the number of species of Morpho (30)
proves quite limited, especially if one
considers the immense size of their
geographical distribution. This small
number contrast with the considerable
number of subspecies: at last 220.
single species Morpho
helenor has branched out into 48
subspecies spread from Tamaulipas,
Mexico's east coast, Central America,
Amazonian basin to northern Argentina.
The diversity of subspecies is due, to a
large extent, to the fact that Morpho are
not migratory?
De blå
Morphoer (Morphini), er de mest
kendte dagsommerfugle fra Sydamerika,
ofte store op til 20 cm. i vingefang,
hvor Morpho hecuba er den største
dagsommerfugl i den neotropiske
verdensdel. Der findes også morphoer
helt ned til 7,5 cm i størrelse, hvor M.
de små arter som typisk findes i større
højder på Andesbjergenes østlige
fleste arter har et iriserende blå farve
på oversiden. Den blå farve på
oversiden skyldes brydning af lyset i de
fine tætsiddende skæl som mangler farve
pigment, skællene sidder ret avanceret
så de kan vise hele farve-skalaen i
nogle få øjeblikke når lyset brydes i
den rette vinkel. Undersiden som ofte er
i brune nuancer, er forsynet med
øjepletter i forskellige størrelser,
der afslører deres slægtsforbindelse
til randøjerne (satyrinae).
findes også hvide morphoer (M.
epistrophus, M. polyphemus) og brune
morphoer med grå eller orange bånd på
oversiden (M. hecuba, M.
af Morphinae går tilbage til
omkring for 55 milioner år siden, og
fandt sted på den brasilianske
kontinentalplade (Mata Atlantica), den
ældste del af Sydamerika der er opstået
føt pladerne fra vest pressede sig
under, og dermed opstod Andesbjergene.
betragtning af længden af den
evolutionære periode, antallet af arter
af Morpho (30) som er ret
begrænset, især hvis man betragter den
enorme størrelse af deres geografiske
udbredelse. Men det er tankevækkende det
lille antal arter kontrast de mange
underarter, ialt 22o underarter.
har Morpho helenor hele 48
underarter udbredt fra Tamaulipas, Mexico
østkyst, Mellemamerika, Amazonas til
Andesbjergene i det centrale Sydamerika
til nordlig Argentina.
In Bolivia, I have seen 13
species of 45 species Morphini
genus contained in the neotropiske
region: Antirrhea
(13) Caerois
(2) Morpho
(30). Their distribution is from Mexico
north to Misiones, Argentina in the
south. Link to Morphinigenus
of Bolivian
Butterflies Checklist.
I Bolivia har jeg
set 12 arter af de 45 arter Morphini genus der findes
i den neotropiske region: Antirrhea (13), Caerois (2), Morpho (30). Deres
udbredelse er fra Mexico i nord til
Misiones, Argentina i syd. Link til Morphini genus på Bolivian
Butterflies Checklist.
Reference to:
Les Morpho
14th october 2016
Les Morpho: Distribution,
diversification, behavior
Jean-Marc Gayman;
Franck Merlier;
Jacques Ouvaroff;
Bruce Purser;
Daniel Lacomme
408 pages; 30.5 x 22 cm; joined
ISBN 978-2-9558531-0-8
EAN 9782955853108
Caerois chorinaeusprotonoe
Caerois chorinaeusssp.rufomarginata(Lathy,
Porvenir, Manuripi. Pando
Department, Bolivia september 11, 2022.
Photographer; Gottfried Siebel
Antirrhea philaretes avernus
Brown Morpho. Antirrhea
philoctetes ssp. avernus (Hopffer, 1874).
Cascades de
Quijarro, Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia january
21, 2010. Photographer; Lars
has also played supporting roles in movies like
"Papillon" where Henri "Papillon" Charrière who
becomes innocently convicted for the murder of a
pimp and sent to a French penal colony in French
Guinea, South America. One of the scenes in the
movie are from the jungle, where the prisoners
are set to capture Morphos. Their scale was again
used for banknotes!
Morpho'erne har
også spillet biroller i film som "Papillon" hvor Henri
"Papillon" Charrieres som bliver uskyldigt
dømt for mordet på en alfons og sendt til en
fransk straffekoloni i Fransk Guinea, Sydamerika.
En af scenerne i filmen er fra junglen, hvor
fangerne er sat til at fange morphoerne. Deres
skæl blev den gang brugt til pengesedler!
d. 22 marts 2009. Lars
Morpho telemachus ssp.exsusarion
Morpho, Morpho telemachus ssp.exsusarion
(Le Moult
& Réal, 1962).
Pusiliani, Caranavi,
Yungas, Bolivia January 12, 2010. Photographer; Lars Andersen
Pusiliani, Caranavi, Yungas,
Bolivia January 16, 2016. Photographer; David
Morpho cisseis ssp. cisseistrica (Le Moult & Réal, 1962).
Rio Broncini 585 m.,
Caranavi Valley, Yungas, Bolivia February 21, 2022. Photographer; Peter Møllmann
Caranavi. Yungas, Bolivia january
Photographer; Lars Andersen
Morpho, Morpho rhetenor (Cramer, 1775).
Provincia Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 7 january 2020. Photographer; Nikolaj Kleissl
Morpho, Morpho rhetenor (Cramer, 1775).
Provincia Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 19 january
Photographer; Peter Møllmann
Morpho, Morpho
(Cramer, 1775).
This blue morpho is the super animal among
butterflies, a concorde among the flying
butterflies in the ravines and river valleys of
the tropical forest. Its top is amazing metallic
shiny blue and flashes in the sun so it hurts the
I myself Lars Andersen saw it back on January 29, 2010 in the Caranavi Valley, Yungas,
Bolivia. And I will never forget that sight.
Distribution: found in Guyana, Suriname, French
Guiana, Brazil, northern Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru,
Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela around the Amazon
Basin up to 800 meters altitude on the eastern
slopes of the Andes.
Host plant: The larva lives on Macrolobium
bifolium, the Fabaceae family.
rhetenor ssp. rhetenor (Cramer, 1775) TL: Surinam M T S Morpho
rhetenor ssp. cacica (Staudinger, 1876) TL: Peru M T Morpho
rhetenor ssp. columbianus (E. Krüger, 1925) TL: Colombia M
T1 T2 Morpho
rhetenor ssp. equatenor (Le Moult & Réal, 1962) TL:
Ecuador M T Morpho
rhetenor ssp. hightoni (Neild, 2008) TL: Venezuela Morpho
rhetenor ssp. helena (Staudinger, 1890) TL: Peru M T Morpho
rhetenor ssp. subtusmurina (Le Moult & Réal, 1962) TL:
Brazil (MT) M T
Bolivia it is: Morpho
rhetenor ssp. subtusmurina (Le Moult & Réal, 1962)
GBIF: Global Biodiversity
Information Facility.
World distribution:
Morpho, Morpho
(Cramer, 1775).
Morpho, Morpho rhetenor (Cramer, 1775).
Provincia Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia d. 19 january
Photographer; Peter Møllmann
Sickle-winged Morpho, Morpho
rhetenor (Cramer, 1775).
Rio Broncini,
Caranavi Valley 628m., Yungas, Bolivia January 3, 2022. Photographer; Peter Møllmann
I saw 7 rhetenores today, one came down to my bait.
Got some slo mo also.
with samsung 21ultra. 240 fps.
Copyright pedromariposa.
Morpho achilles ssp.songo (Weber,
Blue Morpho or Banded Blue
Morpho, Morpho achilles ssp.songo (Weber, 1944).
Coroico to Caranavi elevation 600
- 1800 m. Yungas, Bolivia january -
february 2005-12.
Photographer; Lars
Blue Morpho, Morpho achilles ssp.vitrea hunting
a Common Blue Morpho,
Morpho helenor ssp.coelestis.
Coroico to Caranavi elevation 600
- 1800 m. Yungas, Bolivia january -
february 2005-12. Photographer; Lars
Morpho achilles songo in slow
by Peter Møllmann
Februay 2018
Achilles Blue Morpho or Banded Blue Morpho, Morpho achilles ssp.songo (Weber, 1944).
From Caranavi Bolivia february 2018. Made with sony
experia xz premium. Photographer; Peter Møllmann
Coroico to Caranavi elevation 600
- 1800 m. Yungas, Bolivia january -
february 2005-12. Photographer; Lars
Blue Morpho, Morpho helenor ssp.coelestis. Caranavi elevation 1000 m.
Yungas 21 january 2012. Photographer; Lars Andersen
Blue Morpho,
Morpho helenor (Cramer, 1776).
Description: Andrew
Neild (
author of Butterflies
of Venezuela) describes the differences
between Morpho helenor and M.
thus: "In helenor the submarginal whitish
band on the underside hindwing widens towards the
apex and is usually widest at the apex in achilles it narrows towards the
apex, and is usually wider / widest in its mid
section. Also, but not always, on the FW, in
space 3 (the one that usually has the biggest FW
ocellus), the broad pale band is almost always
crescent-shaped. In achilles it is usually
triangular, or if nearly crescent-shaped, wider
than it is in sympatric helenor".
Habitats: This
species is found in terrace forests along rivers
in the lowlands to wet tropical forests and small
farms along the river valleys of the smaller
mountains up to Andean cloudforest at altitudes
of up to about 1800m in Coroico valley.
Flightseason: In
Bolivia from november to february.
Foodplants: Palo de
hoz, Machaerium
(Fabaceae). Machaerium
varies in habit from an evergreen shrub to small
tree growing up to 5 metres tall, to a climbing
shrub producing cylindrical stems up to 15 metres
long and 12cm in diameter that climb into the
surrounding vegetation.
The plant is sometimes harvested from the wild
for local medicinal use.
And other
foodplants are Peanut,
Arachis hypogaea (Fabaceae). Parivo'a,
Macrolobium bifolium (Fabaceae) and Coinvine, Dalbergia
ecastaphyllum (Fabaceae) and Ice Cream
Beans, Inga
(Mimosaceae). When you open Ice Cream
bellows are the
beans in a white fluff. Are a delicacy when you
are feel a little hungry in the forest and tastes
like ice cream.
local in Bolivia; Andean foothills. Buena Vista,
Villa Tunari (Cochabamba), Rio Beni basin to
Caranavi and Coroico valley. And Bolivian lowland
(Santa Cruz. Brazil; Cuiabá, Mato Grosso.
Found throughout Central and South America from
Mexico to Argentina to southern Mexico.
A single colony exists in Huntington Beach, Costa
Mesa south of Los Angeles California.
ssp. theodorus (Fruhstorfer 1907),
lives in Amazonian moist tropical rainforests in
western and northern Bolivia.
Another subspecies; Morpho helenor ssp. coelestis (A. Butler, 1866), is
common in moist fog forests (Bolivian Yungas),
but also occurs in the north and northeast.
Reichle December
22, 2019.
We describe a new subspecies: Morpho helenor ssp. prometa (Gareca & Blandin,
2011) from southern Andean Yungas.
GBIF: Global Biodiversity
Information Facility.
World distribution:
Common Blue Morpho,
Morpho helenor (Cramer, 1776).
to facebookgroup about Morpho
ssp. prometa
Morpho helenor ssp.peleides (Kollar, 1850).
Blue Morpho,Morpho helenor ssp.peleides. Botanical
Garden, Copenhagen, Northzealand d. 9 august 2020. Fotographer; Thomas Toby Ekman
A neotropic species that
has escaped from the Zoo or Botanical Garden
tropical house in Copenhagen?
Bat Falcon, Falco rufigularis. Rio Zongo, Caranavi, Yungas,
Bolivia january 31, 2009. Photographer; Lars Andersen
The Bat
Falcon, Falco
rufigularis has a wide distribution
throughout the lowland Americas. It is one of the
smallest falcons. And as its name suggests, its
diet contains a significant number of bats, which
are more hunted by the larger females. Famed
naturalist William Beebe watched a nesting pair over 164
days, and witnessed a wide diversity of prey,
from warblers and tanagers to a blue morpho
Hummingbird and Flowering Ice Cream Beans, Inga edulis.Caranavi, Yungas 13 February 2009. Photographer: Lars Andersen
The blue Morphos (Morphini) is the most famous
butterflies from South America, often large up to
20 cm. in wingspan when Morpho
is the largest butterflies in the neotropical
continent. There are also Morphos down to 7.5 cm
in size of M. sulkowskyi & M.
small species typically found in higher altitudes
of the Andes east slopes.
Most species have an
iridescent blue color on top. The blue color on
the upper side due to refraction of light in the
delicate tight scales which lack color pigment
scales sits right advanced so they can display
the entire color scale in a few moments when the
light is broken at the right angle. The underside
is often in brown shades, bearing Eyed in various
sizes that reveal their family connection to
Satyr family (Satyrinae).
There are also
white Morphos; (M. epistrophus & M.
polyphemus) and Morphos; brown with gray or
orange bands on the upper side (M.
Hecuba &
M. Telemachus).
The origin of Morphinae
back about 55 MY and occurred in the Brazilian
Shield (Mata Atlantica), the oldest part of Sout
America that emerged. Considering the length of
the evolutionary period, the number of species of
Morpho (30) proves quite limited, especially if
one considers the immense size of their
geographical distribution. This small number
contrast with the considerable number of
subspecies: at last 220.
The single
species Morpho helenor has branched out into 48
subspecies spread from Tamaulipas, Mexico's east
coast, Central America, Amazonian basin to
northern Argentina. The diversity of subspecies
is due, to a large extent, to the fact that
Morpho are not migratory?
De blå Morphoer
(Morphini), er de mest kendte
dagsommerfugle fra Sydamerika, ofte store op til
20 cm. i vingefang, hvor Morpho
er den største dagsommerfugl i den neotropiske
verdensdel. Der findes også morphoer helt ned
til 7,5 cm i størrelse, hvor M.
lympharis& M.
auroraer de små arter
som typisk findes i større højder på
Andesbjergenes østlige skråninger.
De fleste arter
har et iriserende blå farve på oversiden. Den
blå farve på oversiden skyldes brydning af
lyset i de fine tætsiddende skæl som mangler
farve pigment, skællene sidder ret avanceret så
de kan vise hele farve-skalaen i nogle få
øjeblikke når lyset brydes i den rette vinkel.
Undersiden som ofte er i brune nuancer, er
forsynet med øjepletter i forskellige
størrelser, der afslører deres
slægtsforbindelse til randøjerne (satyrinae).
Der findes også
hvide morphoer (M. epistrophus, M.
polyphemus) og brune morphoer med grå eller
orange bånd på oversiden (M.
hecuba, M. telemachus).
Oprindelsen af Morphinae går tilbage til omkring
for 55 milioner år siden, og fandt sted på den
brasilianske kontinentalplade (Mata Atlantica),
den ældste del af Sydamerika der er opstået
føt pladerne fra vest pressede sig under, og
dermed opstod Andesbjergene.
I betragtning af
længden af den evolutionære periode, antallet
af arter af Morpho (30) som er ret
begrænset, især hvis man betragter den enorme
størrelse af deres geografiske udbredelse. Men
det er tankevækkende det lille antal arter
kontrast de mange underarter, ialt 22o
F.eks. har Morpho
helenor hele
48 underarter udbredt fra Tamaulipas, Mexico
østkyst, Mellemamerika, Amazonas til
Andesbjergene i det centrale Sydamerika til
nordlig Argentina.
Bolivia, I have seen 13 species of 45 species Morphini genus
contained in the neotropiske region: Antirrhea (13) Caerois (2) Morpho (30).
Their distribution is from Mexico north to
Misiones, Argentina in the south. Link to Morphinigenus of Bolivian
Butterflies Checklist.
I Bolivia har jeg set 12 arter af de 45 arter Morphini genus der findes i den
neotropiske region: Antirrhea (13), Caerois (2), Morpho (30). Deres udbredelse
er fra Mexico i nord til Misiones, Argentina i
syd. Link til Morphini genus på Bolivian
Butterflies Checklist.
Les Morpho
14th october 2016
Les Morpho: Distribution, diversification,
Jean-Marc Gayman; Franck
Merlier; Jacques Ouvaroff; Bruce
Purser; Daniel Lacomme
Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia january -
february 2007- 10. Photographer; Lars
beautiful blue Morphos males are often
seen along rivers and small streams, where they
fly searching for ladies and is territorale and
chasing other males away. Morphos go to rotten
fruit and suck minerals in sandy banks along
streams. Females live a more covert lives up the
leaves, and are rarely seen. Morphos habitat is
the rain-forests of the tropical zone, however
individual species such as Morpho sulkowskyi
existence from 2000 m.a. up to 2900 m. altitude in
fog-forests in the Andes eastern slopes.
Rio Negro,
Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia december
Photographer; Peter
flotte blå Morpho hanner ses ofte langs
floder og små vandløb, hvor de flyver søgende
efter damer og er territorale og jagter andre
hanner væk. Morphoerne går til råddent frugt
og suger mineraler på sandbanker langs vandløb.
Hunnerne lever en mere skjult tilværelse oppe i
løvet, og ses sjældent. Morpho'ernes habitat er regnskovene i
den tropiske zone, der er dog enkelte arter som Morpho
sulkowskyider findes fra 2000 m. op
til 2900 m.h. i tågeskovene på Andesbjergenes
Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia January
24, 2016. Photographer; Peter
Giant Light-blue Morpho, Morpho
menelaus ssp. godartii f.
titogilberti (Blandin
& Gareca, 2011) male.
Caturapi, Yungas, Bolivia february
1, 2018. Photographer; Peter
Morpho menelaus ssp. godartii
f. lachaumei
Giant Light-blue Morpho, Morpho
menelaus ssp. godartii f.
(Blandin, 2007) male.
Rio Cristal, Caranavi highlands, Yungas, Bolivia february
19, 2018. Photographer; Peter
Giant Light-blue Morpho, Morpho
menelaus ssp. godartii f.
(Blandin, 2007) male.
Bella Vista, Caranavi highlands, Yungas, Bolivia february
24, 2018. Photographer; Peter
Morpho menelaus ssp. godartii
Giant Light-blue Morpho, Morpho
menelaus ssp. godartii
f. lachaumei (Blandin,
2007) male.
Caranavi Highlands, Yungas,
Bolivia February 2019.
Photographer; Peter Møllmann
Giant Light-blue Morpho, Morpho
godartii ssp. lachaumei
(Blandin, 2007).
Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia February
2014. Photographer; Peter
Morpho marcus ssp.intermedia
Morpho, Morpho
marcus ssp.intermedia (Schaller, 1785).
Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia january
29, 2010. Photographer; Lars
Adonis Morpho, Morpho
marcus ssp. intermedia (Kaye,
1917). Pusiliani, Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia january
7, 2020. Photographer; Peter
Pusiliani , Caranavi, Yungas,
Bolivia d. 29 december 2019.
Photographer; Peter Møllman.
Peter Møllmann; From
one of my favorit locations, Pusiliani near
Caranavi Bolivia.
Many morphos, I saw Morpho species;
Morpho helenor, M.
achilles, M.
deidamia, M.
rhetenor, M.
telemachus, M.
cisseis and M.
935m, Caranavi Valley /Highlands, Yungas, Bolivia January
23, 2022.
Photographer; Peter Møllmann
Adonis Morpho, Morpho
marcus ssp. intermedia (Schaller, 1785) male.
Quijarro 935
m., Caranavi Valley, Yungas, Bolivia January
23, 2022.
Photographer; Nikolaj Kleissl
The other day jan. 23,
2022: Peter
Møllmann, Nikolaj
Kleissl and Henrik
were at the view of Quijarro Cascada de
la Serpente view 1275 m., Where they
walked down to streams in 935m. where
they saw and photographed several
different morphos such as; M. achilles, M.
M. telemachus. Few M.
M. cisseis and M.
as well as the shown M. marcus that Nikolaj has
photographed. It's not every day, you can
meet seven morphos species!
Was told by Peter over the phone that
just before the stream met the army ants
that passed over the path of several
tracks. Though they ran fast over them,
it was in the water right away to get rid
of the biting and stinging soldiers army
ants whose stings really make nas.
Caranavi, Yungas,
Bolivia january -
february, 2005 - 10. Photographer; Lars
most Morphos, the males are colorful, it supports
the theory that the blue color is used for
internal sexual (intra-sexual)
communication between males. Its scale-lamellae
reflect up to 70% of all light that falls on
them, including ultraviolet (UV) light. Morphos
eyes are believed to be very sensitive to UV
light and therefore are males able to see each
other from quite large distances. Some South
American species are reportedly visible to the
human eye up to one kilometer away.
Hos de fleste
morphoer er det hannerne der er farverige, det
støtter teorien om, at den blå farve, bruges
til intern sexuel (intrasexual)
kommunikation imellem hannerne. Dens
skæl-lameller afspejler op til hele 70% af lyset
der falder på dem, herunder ultravioletlys (UV).
Morphoernes øjne menes at være meget følsomme
over for UV-lys og derfor er hannerne i stand til
at se hinanden fra ret store afstande. Nogle
sydamerikanske arter er angiveligt synlige for
det menneskelige øje op til en kilometer væk.
The advantage of
collectors, who lures them with a piece of blue
foil, Morphos think the blue film is a rival he.
There is a tribe along the Rio Negro in
Brazil exploiting Blue Morphos (M.
male territorial behavior by luring them into
clearings with light blue decoys. The collected
butterfly wings are used as decoration in
ceremonial masks.
Det udnytter
samlere, som lokker dem med et stykke blåt
folie, for morphoen tror det blå folie er en
konkurrerende han. Der er en stamme langs Rio
Negro i Brasilien der udnytter Blue
Morpho (M.
hanners territoriale vaner ved at lokke dem i
lysninger med lyseblå lokkedyr. De indsamlede
sommerfugle vinger bliver brugt som udsmykning i
ceremonielle masker.
Morpho deidamia in slow motion
Peter Møllmann
9th december 2017
Deidamia Morpho, Morpho
deidamia ssp. electra (Röber,
1903) male.
From Caranavi Bolivia december
8, 2017. Made with sony experia xz
premium. Photographer; Peter
Scarce Morpho, Morpho
deidamia ssp. electra (Röber,
1903). From Caranavi Bolivia december
11, 2021. Copyright pedromariposa / Peter
Møllmann. 240 fps samsung 21ultra.
Scarce Morpho, Morpho
deidamia ssp. electra (Röber,
1903) male. Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia december
10, 2018. Photographer; Peter
This Morpho
deidamia came to my mothlamp at
night, not unusual, seen this before.
From my rooftop downtown Caranavi. Morpho deidamia is a widespread
but uncommon species found throughout the
neotropical region from Nicaragua to
Common English name: Scarce
Morpho, Deidamia
Morpho or Marbled
Morpho lympharis eros
Morpho lympharis ssp. eros (Staudinger,
The dangerous
road in the world; Cascades de Sacramento
elev. 2790 m. & Kori Wayku Inca
Trail, elev. 2300 m. Yungas, Bolivia
Photographer; Peter
Møllmann &
Lars Andersen
lympharis locality with Andean
bamboo, Chusquea species.
Cascades de Sacramento
Alto 2600m. Yungas 9
February 2012. Photographer; Lars
lympharis ssp. eros (Staudinger,
1892). Locality with Andean
bamboo, Chusquea species.
Cascades de Sacramento
Alto 2600m. Yungas 22
February 2008. Photographer; Lars
Morpho lympharis eros
Morpho, Morpho
ssp. eros (Staudinger, 1892). TL:
Satyrinae: There are 1100 known
species of Satyrinae (Wikipedia) in the neotropical
They are generally weak fliers and often
shun bright sunlight, preferring moist
and semishaded habitats. The caterpillars
feed chiefly on monocotyledonous plants
such as palms, grasses, and bamboos.
The Morphinae are sometimes united with
this group. Morpho Fabricius, 1807. 39
Intro: a diverse
group of high altitude cloudforest
butterflies, all of which are confined to
the neotropical region.
Adult behaviour: Males can be found
imbibing moisture from narrow tracks
within the forest, but will also come out
into more open areas occasionally.
Habitats: This is a cloudforest species
found at altitudes between about
Lifecycle: The lifecycle appears to be
Foodplant: Feed on Chusquea, Chusquea
quila a genus of bamboo
which grows in thickets, mainly along the
courses of streams.
Similar species:
In Bolivia, I have seen 13 species of 45
species Morphini
genus contained in the neotropiske
region: Antirrhea
(13) Caerois
(2) Morpho
(39). Their distribution is from Mexico
north to Misiones, Argentina in the
south. Link to Morphinigenus
of Bolivian
Butterflies Checklist.
Eastern cloudforest in Andes, Cordilerra,
Peru, Bolivia and norhern Chile.
Cascades de Sacramento Alto, Camino de
Muerte 2600 m. Yungas, Bolivia d.
3 january 2005.
de Sacramento Alto, Camino de Muerte 2600
m. Yungas, Bolivia d.
25 january 2007.
de Sacramento Alto, Camino de Muerte 2600
m. Yungas, Bolivia d.
22 february 2008.
The old railroad southern of Coroico 2000
m. Yungas, Bolivia d.
23 february 2009.
Ecovia, The old railroad southern of
Coroico 2000 m. Yungas, Bolivia d.
1 february 2010.
Cascades de Sacramento Alto, Camino de
Muerte 2600 m. Yungas, Bolivia d.
9 february 2012.
Only fly in
the sunshine, go to rest as soon as a
cloud shadows of the sun in the ravine.
Is the most spetacular butterflies flying
along the world's most dangerous road in
In Bolivia, I
have seen 13 species of 45 species Morphini
genus contained in the neotropiske
region: Antirrhea
(13) Caerois
(2) Morpho
(30). Their distribution is from Mexico
north to Misiones, Argentina in the
south. Link to Morphinigenus
of Bolivian
Butterflies Checklist.
World distribution:
Mountains Morpho, Morpho
ssp. eros (Staudinger, 1892).
Females lay eggs
on misc. legumes, Fabales, one of the largest
systems in the plant kingdom with approx. 17,000
species belonging to one family, papilionaceous
plants (Fabaceae, Leguminosae). The family consists of
three sub-families; caesalpinia, mimose and legumes sub-family. In Families
often considered previously as independent
families. As the name says, is the fruit a pod.
One of the most familiar legumes are Brazilwood. - The tree, which put
its name to half the world ... (Leguminosae) - Brazilwood.
The smaller
Morpho species from the Andean mountain like the Morpho
M. lympharis and M.
zephyrites use Andean bamboo, Chusquea species (Poaceae).
The hairy brown
caterpillars that live in colonies are quite
toxic, and their hair will irritate the skin when
touched. The total life cycle of Morphos
butterfly, from egg to death, is approximately
130 to 140 days. The adult (imago) butterflies
live about a month's time. They exist in several
consecutive generations offset from each other
year round, but mostly in the rainy season. In
drought time goes on they are often in a
diapause. Morphos However, enemies, there is a
parasitic fly that lives in the adult butterfly's
abdomen, making it to had a strange behavior in
its last life. Morphos, whose name was inspired
by Morpheus who had dreams god in Greek
Værtsplanter for Morpho's
Hunnen lægger
æg på div. bælgplanter, Fabales, en af de største
ordener i planteriget med ca. 17.000 arter, der
tilhører én familie, ærteblomstfamilien (Fabaceae, Leguminosae). Familien består af
tre underfamilier; caesalpinia-, mimose- og ærtblomst-underfamilien.
Underfamilierne betragtedes tidligere ofte som
selvstændige familier. Som navnet siger, er
frugten en bælg. En af de mest kendte
bælgplanter er BRASILTRÆ. - Træet, der lagde
navn til en halv verdensdel ... (Leguminosae) Brazilwood.
De mindre Morpho
arter oppe i bjergene som Morpho
M. lympharis og M.
zephyritis bruger Andes
bambus, Chusquea arter (Poaceae).
De hårede brune
larver som lever i kolonier er ret giftige, og
deres hår vil irritere huden ved berøring. Den
samlede livscyklus for Morpho sommerfugl, fra æg
til døden, er ca 130 til 140 dage. De voksne (imago)
sommerfugle lever omkring en måneds tid. De
findes i flere fortløbende generationer forskudt
fra hinanden året rundt, dog flest i regntiden.
I tørketiden går de ofte i en diapause.
Morphoerne har dog fjender, der findes en
parasitflue der lever i den voksne sommerfugls
bagkrop, som gør at den kan havde en mærkelig
adfærd i dens sidste levetid. Morpho, hvis navn er inspireret
af Morfeus som var drømmenes gud i den
græske mytologi.
Morpho aurora
Aurora Morpho,
Morpho aurora (Westwood, 1851) male. Murata, Yungas february
9, 2009.
Photographer; Lars Andeersen
The spectacular
blue Morphos bred in commercial breeding
programs, where iridescent wings are used for the
manufacture of jewelry and messages in wooden
tray and the like. One species (Morpho
is very popular in butterfly boxes, they Morphos
butterflies are often sold without abdomen, as it
is removed because its oily contents would
otherwise discolour wings. There is a large
export of live Morphos-pupae for use in div.
tropic and butterfly houses in the western world.
Aurora Morpho,
Morpho aurora (Westwood, 1851) male. Caranavi, Yungas december
10, 2014.
Photographer; Peter Møllmann
Morpho, Morpho
aurora (Westwood, 1851) female.
Caranavi Highlands, Yungas, Bolivia december
11, 2018. Photographer; Peter
De spektakulære
blå morphoer opdrættes i kommercielle
avlsprogrammer, hvor de iriserende vinger,
anvendes til fremstilling af smykker og som
indlæg i træbakker og lign. En art (Morpho
er meget populære i sommerfuglekasser, de
præparerede dyr sælges ofte uden bagkrop, da
den er fjernet fordi dens olieagtige indhold
ellers vil misfarve vingerne. Der foregår en
stor eksport af de levende morpho-pupper til brug
i div. trope og sommerfuglehuse i den vestlige
Aurora Morpho,
Morpho aurora (Westwood, 1851) male. Caranavi, Yungas january
3, 2009.
Photographer; Peter Møllmann
Morpho aurora in slow motion
Peter Møllmann
3th december 2017
Aurora Morpho, Morpho
aurora (Westwood, 1851) male.
From the highlands near Caranavi Bolivia december
3, 2017.
Made with sony experia xz premium. Photographer; Peter
Caranavi d. 3
december 2017
Peter Møllmann;
Today I went to the highlands near
Caranavi. Arriving at the location we
crossed a smal river and 20+ auroras flew
up from their mudpudling.
I saw hundreds of Aurora
in a few hours. All very fresh, most
common butterfly today, never saw so
many. In the slo mo parts my sony xz
premium smartphone take 960fps
Morpho aurora from Rio
Tunki Bolivia 240fps
d. 29 march 2020
Rio Tunki 1738 m., Caranavi,
Yungas, Bolivia february
2020. Photographer; Peter
Caerois chorinaeusprotonoe
Caerois chorinaeusssp.rufomarginata(Lathy,
Porvenir, Manuripi. Pando
Department, Bolivia september 11, 2022.
Photographer; Gottfried Siebel
Antirrhea philaretes avernus
Brown Morpho. Antirrhea
philoctetes ssp. avernus (Hopffer, 1874).
Cascades de
Quijarro, Caranavi, Yungas, Bolivia january
21, 2010. Photographer; Lars
has also played supporting roles in movies like
"Papillon" where Henri "Papillon" Charrière who
becomes innocently convicted for the murder of a
pimp and sent to a French penal colony in French
Guinea, South America. One of the scenes in the
movie are from the jungle, where the prisoners
are set to capture Morphos. Their scale was again
used for banknotes!
Morpho'erne har
også spillet biroller i film som "Papillon" hvor Henri
"Papillon" Charrieres som bliver uskyldigt
dømt for mordet på en alfons og sendt til en
fransk straffekoloni i Fransk Guinea, Sydamerika.
En af scenerne i filmen er fra junglen, hvor
fangerne er sat til at fange morphoerne. Deres
skæl blev den gang brugt til pengesedler!
of Morpho
zephyrites and Morpho
godartii ssp. assarpari
photographer Julio Miguel Rodriguez Vera is deleted.
Morpho helenor
Morpho helenor. Santa Rosa de Quilo-Quilo,
Yungas, Bolivia 28 January 2009. Fotograf:
photographers in
has incurred
competition d.
2 to 4 October 2009
in Grenaa. In the category of insects won
Lars Andersen
with a picture of a flying Morphos over
waterfalls; Tornesol.
i Danmark = NFD
har afholdt Årskonkurrencen
fra d.
2 til 4 oktober 2009
i Grenå. I
kategorien insekter
vandt Lars Andersen
med et billede af en flyvende morpho over
vandfald; Tornesol.